
Kelly Green Cozy mystery series:        (Click to purchase)

Kelly Green loved camping with her husband in their RV. Her children convince her to continue the tradition even after he’s gone. But what would she do around a campfire all by herself? She becomes a Camp Site Host and is busy meeting new people every day.
And sometimes finding a dead body or two….

Find her stories among other goodies in these books.

Kelly Green Cozy mystery series:     

Kelly Green loved camping with her husband in their RV. Her children convince her to continue the tradition even after he’s gone. But what would she do around a campfire all by herself? She becomes a Camp Site Host and is busy meeting new people every day.
And sometimes finding a dead body or two….

Click the picture to go to a list of the books.

Lacey Frost cozy mystery series:  

Lacey Frost has just inherited a house at a time in her life when she needs a fresh start, from her grandmother that she hasn’t seen since she was nine. This is the perfect time for her to learn more about her heritage. 

Being a party planner is not as easy as it sounds. Hosts expect her to be ready for anything, even a dead body or two.

Click the picture to find her stories among others in these books.